Improving Collaboration

Improving Collaboration With Wider Stakeholders Using SCRUM

In this blog post, I will discuss my ideas on a method for improving collaboration with key stakeholders that are outside of the development and SCRUM team, but influence the project and play critical roles in its success. As important as continuously improving collaboration with the Scrum team is, it is usually not enough to […]

Building Better Tech Platforms

Building Better Technology Platforms

Technology platforms are incredibly powerful systems that can help reduce technology costs, grow a product portfolio and create new revenue streams, if implemented correctly. But successfully using them can be difficult and can lead to increased resource costs, technical debt and product upgrade bottlenecks. In this article I will share my views in how to […]

Functional Decomposition

Programming Fundamentals: Functional Decomposition

Functional decomposition is a rather grandiose and pretentious term for breaking the problem down into smaller more easily solved problems. In this article I’d like to cover how spending time doing this, if needed twice (once after the initial requirements acceptance, and then again at the time of feature design) has benefits. Sometimes, in order […]

Unnecessary conditionals and no annotation

Programming Fundamentals: Unnecessary Conditionals and Annotation

Many moons  ago, when I was working as part of a team creating our own Linux kernel distros for general availability across the organisation to be used for internally developed software (this was a thing before containerisation and microservices!), I came across code in an old function that I was tasked to patch that was […]

Building a Website Environment – How to Build a Web Server

In this tutorial we will look at how to build a web server. We will build upon what was covered in my series on what goes on Inside the Cloud, and build ourselves an environment to run a website. This tutorial will cover a single server setup running the entire environment, however in later blog […]

Improving Business Change Management

Technology driven business change plays a vital role in the digital age enabling innovation and growth. It’s therefore not surprising that more and more companies are changing their business through adopting new technology, technology strategies, methodologies and operating models. Indeed, some business are establishing permanent change management functions — including retailers, publishers, and banks that […]


In this article, another in our series of looking inside the Cloud, we will be looking more closely at Firewalls – their purpose and how they work. A firewall is combination of hardware and software that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and permits or blocks that traffic (specifically called data packets) based on a […]

Differences in Product Ownership

Over the 20 or so years of Scrum becoming more widely used in organisations, product ownership has often become a term encompassing the following types of role: Product Owner as defined in the original Scrum framework. The person who owns a product in it’s entirety. A feature owner who manages a major function of an […]